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REASONS TO BELIEVE: NATURAL THEOLOGY discusses the role of faith, reason, and certitude in our search for truth. Then examines many arguments that make it reasonable to believe that God exists, followed by identifying his attributes or perfections. Then based on rational proof of God’s existence and something of his attributes, using human reason establishes God is owed worship, thanksgiving, obedience, and love. Furthermore, reason is used to prove the human soul is immortal and that God established an objective moral order called the natural law. Following is proof that God revealed himself in Scripture and Tradition and that Christ established the Catholic Church to continue his presence in the world and provide the means with which to distribute his graces and mercy.
CATECHISM is a thorough overview of the four pillars of the Faith as found in theCatechism of the Catholic Church. The pillars are as follows: the Creed; the Sacraments; the Commandments; and Prayer.
UNIVERSAL CALL TO HOLINESS- The meaning of holiness; Growing in holiness; The Catholic Church as channel of grace; The Doctrine of Grace; Stages of holiness; Means to achieve holiness and union with God; The sacraments and holiness; Theological and Cardinal Virtues; Gifts of the Holy Spirit; Fruits of the Holy Spirit; Prayer and Holiness; Works of mercy; Our enemies – the world, the flesh, and the devil and how to combat them; How to purify the senses and the faculties o the soul.
SOCIAL JUSTICE-Among the topics covered are: The Biblical foundation and theology of social justice; Social doctrines and the natural law and personalist philosophy; Social doctrines of the Catholic Church; Catholic social encyclicals and other documents.
THE LORD'S DAY: We are very concerned about two alarming developments that have taken place in the Catholic Church during the past few decades, especially in the U.S., regarding the Lord’s Day: One concern is the declining attendance of Catholics at weekly Sunday Mass; the other is the decline among Catholics in the belief of the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. We examine these phenomena in this essay.
UNDERSTANDING THE BIBLE - In this essay we look at the meaning of Divine Revelation, the meaning of inspiration, and what the Bible is, including who wrote it, and when, where, how, and why it was written, and how the books were selected. Also, we examine the senses of scripture and typology as well as guidelines for reading and interpreting it. Furthermore, we discuss the different exegetical or hermeneutical tools and translation theories. Moreover, we consider the similarities and differences of Catholic and Protestant versions of the Bible and of the meaning of the apocryphal writings.
JUSTIFICATION, SANCTIFICATION, AND GRACE - Catholics and Protestants disagree substantially over the meaning of justification, sanctification, and grace, and that both parties rely heavily on St. Paul’s writings to justify their position. This issue is thoroughly discussed in this essay.